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The Metal Mayan
Oct 13, 2023
Wolves In The Throne Room, Blackbraid, Gaerea @ The Brooklyn Monarch
With October Rust in full effect, nightfall and crisp gusts come earlier in Brooklyn with each passing day. In this most mystical of...
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The Metal Mayan
Oct 5, 2023
Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, Gorguts @ Brooklyn Steel
In the entertainment world, it usually takes something extraordinary for things to skip a beat - come Hell or high water, the show must...
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The Metal Mayan
Apr 23, 2023
Whitechapel, Archspire, Signs of the Swarm, Entheos @ The Gramercy Theater
Making their way into the Gramercy Theater, a group of friends discussed the game plan for the evening as their bags and tickets were...
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The Metal Mayan
Apr 9, 2023
Enslaved, Insomnium, Black Anvil @ Irving Plaza
Despite a week of increasingly warm days, a lone Wednesday stood out as the chosen window for winter to make one last stand before bowing...
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The Metal Mayan
Mar 14, 2023
Rotting Christ, Carach Angren, Uada, Gaerea @ The Gramercy Theater
Between nightfall and storm clouds covering the island of Manhattan, the black clad concert goers seemed to melt into one long stream of...
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The Metal Mayan
Dec 12, 2021
Funeral - Praesentialis in Aeternum (Season of Mist)
There is something mystical about the Norwegian language. The way the words sway and flow easily bring to mind mighty forests and fjords...
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